Friday, July 3, 2009

One year ago today

One year ago today, Zach was diagnosed with a life changing disease, cancer. Today has been full of many thoughts like "this time last year we saw the pediatrician" and "this time last year we were on our way to Burlington" and "last year at this time we were being given the confirmed diagnosis."
But, THIS YEAR, Zach is healthy. Today we spent the day at Santa's Village in New Hampshire with his friend Sean, who also had cancer of a different kind. He met Sean while both were in treatment in the hospital. Sean is also 7. So, Sean, his brother and his Mom came up for the weekend from Burlington and today, along with sister Ashley, we spent the day riding a roller coaster, riding bumper cars and just having a happy great day compared to last year on this day. It was so wonderful to see him laugh and be a normal kid.

I just want to thank all of you who prayed for Zach and for us, and also supported us during the past year....that brought us much comfort and peace and of course, the healing of Zach.

The road is still long but I know that we are not alone. I feel in my heart that Zach will be OK. We are blessed today and have been blessed all along. Zach is doing well today.

Happy July 4th tomorrow to everyone......we are celebrating this Independence day in a whole new way!!


Em Snyder said...

Hey Zach, Aunt Steph and Uncle Jim!

I cant belive that it has already been a whole year since you guys moved up to Vermont and Zach got diagnosed. You have been such a good boy during this whole process bud! I love you and miss you soooo much! Tell everyone we say hello for us.


Anonymous said...

Hi Zach,
What a difference a year makes. I'm so proud of you. You have been so strong through all the tough times. It's wonderful to see that bright smile and know that you are well. I hope you enjoy your summer with Noni and Grampa. You'll have a great time swimming, and fishing and going out on the boat. Summer will be over before you know it, and you'll be back in school.
Have a happy summer.

Love from your Aunt Patty